Austria ski trip

I went to Austria for a week to learn how to ski! It was a school trip and all we did was non stop skiing! I skied for 5 hours a day for 5 consecutive days.

Its my first time travelling to any European countries let alone seeing snow in real life! I was really excited for this trip. We went to Ski Amade resort, which is around 4 hours away from Vienna airport.


The ski boots are actually quite heavy and a bit difficult to walk in but it got easier as the week goes on. We were first taught the basics of skiing, like getting onto the ski, balancing one foot on ski and learning how to position the body while skiing. At first I thought skiing would be very different to ice skating but I realised there are some similarities between the two. The first move we learned was ‘snow plough’, which slows you down and helps you turn.


We were then taught to move in big ‘S’ shapes while going down slope, so we can better control our speed. There are varying levels of slope in the ski resort. The ski resort is very big as well and without our instructor, I certainly will not remember the paths we skied through.



We were very luck as there were sunshine throughout our time there. It was really sunny and the highest temperature recorded on the slopes were 10°C! I realised the importance of layers in your clothing because you’ll feel warmer as you ski.


Austria is a very scenic place. You can see mountains and rivers wherever you go.


We have a balcony in our hotel room and this was the view from the balcony!(This is the sunrise taken on the day we left) How pretty is it! As we finish skiing at around 3 everyday, we get to enjoy the sunset from our balcony which was amazing.

Have you been to Austria before? As i didn’t get to go sight-seeing this time, I really want to go back and do all the touristy things!

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8 thoughts on “Austria ski trip

  1. Austria is gorgeous in any season and the ski resort you went to is a very popular one.
    Seems like you had a great time. Did you try any of their traditional foods? Especially at ski resorts they offer yummy meals.


      1. They make very good Germknoedel ( huge dumpling with a sweet filling) and vanilla sauce poured over it, or apple strudel. Lots of cakes and desserts.


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